Have you ever been having a conversation with a loved one and it goes south extremely fast? One minute you’re laughing and joking and the next they are yelling at you with no restraint on their words? This same person you would give your life for is saying things which indicate they wouldn’t do the same because they are angry. First thing I would like to say is: no matter how angry you may get, it is never okay to speak unfiltered with no consideration for the person you are speaking to. I understand getting upset and wanting to hurt them with your words the way they are hurting you but all that results in is broken spirits, hurt feelings, further misunderstandings and damage to an otherwise healthy relationship.
There are people who believe that once they get off their chest all of their transgressions, anger and resentment, their slate is wiped clean. They never take the time to see the damage they have caused in their wrath, all that matters is they were finally able to release some pressure. I guess I’m the anomaly here because I don’t argue, it’s a waste of my time and energy. Will I raise my voice? Yes, in an attempt to be heard by the person screaming at me and for the yelling to stop. The back and forth yelling, cussing and spewing of insults is juvenile and I’m grown, therefore, not my circus, not my monkeys.
We all have growing to do, if we didn’t, we would no longer be here. Thru my own transgressions and growth, I’ve learned how truly vital communication and forgiveness are in order to move forward. When we hurt others, it is our responsibility to clear up the misunderstanding and ask for forgiveness from them. Now, depending on the act, forgiveness may not always be granted but that’s okay, everyone isn’t going to forgive you but your acknowledgment of your wrong doings will help you. Once you take the step to apologize for hurting someone, you grow as a person and it will open unexpected blessings. Asking another for forgiveness involves taking a good look in the mirror and owning your faults and actions in that situation. I believe that’s why a lot of people never take that first step, they’re afraid to actually see how ugly and mean their actions have made their character. When you look in the mirror, you see your character and flaws, not what’s on the outside for the world to see. Pride is stronger than the willingness to do right and that’s why pride is 1 of the 7 deadly sins. Pride will prevent you from living a peaceful life and having all it has to offer. When you are prideful, you refuse to apologize first, feeling if you do that it makes you weak in some way so, you stand firm and behave like a spoiled brat, with crossed arms and pouty lips.
There are people I have come across in my life who will do wrong towards me and go about their merry way, never taking accountability for the destruction and damage they have caused. When some people wrong you, they expect to automatically be forgiven and have their slate wiped clean with you and expect you to act as though nothing ever happened. When they don’t take time and consideration to truly clear up any issues, they’re only leaving behind a mess, their wrongdoing isn’t erased fully, remnants of your pain and hurt feelings are scattered about. When the shoe is on the other foot and their feelings are hurt by something you’ve said, this same person never grants you the forgiveness you seek and will hold it against you for what feels like eternity. How is that? They expect and damn near demand forgiveness for their actions and words against another person without even offering so much as a “My bad” but don’t offer that same level of forgiveness when the exact same thing happens to them?
This is a mentality I will never claim to understand, it’s not a thought process I ever want to be comfortable with possessing and acting upon.
I am a very sensitive and emotional person, when those I care about verbally hurt me, it cuts me deep because I feel betrayed as well. The analogy which I like to use is viewing the other person and their feelings as a piece of rare, fine China, something equivalent to a family heirloom. You wouldn’t carelessly shatter an heirloom, would you? No, you would handle it with extreme care, making sure it remained in pristine condition at all times. If you were to drop this heirloom and it shattered, it would affect you deeply because you know it can’t be replaced and would never be the same even if you put all the pieces back together.
Well, that’s the same thing with people and their feelings and emotions, they are just as precious, rare and fragile. When you hurt another person’s feelings with your words and actions, you are shattering that heirloom, pieces going everywhere.
Unfortunately, there are those who will look at the damage and step right over it, expecting you to put it back together yourself. If you are fortunate, you will have those who stay with you and help you repair your ‘heirloom’ as best you can together. These are the keepers and ones who care about your feelings and well-being. The other ones? They are concerned about themselves and their own well-being and irritated you are taking time to actually put those pieces back together.
We are responsible for our words and actions because they affect everyone we come in contact with. If GOD grants us forgiveness by us merely asking for it, why can’t we, as HIS children, behave the same? If your creator has the heart, love and faith in you to absolve you of your wrongdoings because you request it, who are you to deny your brothers and sisters when they come to you asking the same? But here’s the biggest thing, you have to actually ASK Him, He’s not just going to grant you that forgiveness because you’ve moved on, it doesn’t work that way. It’s the same way with people, you have to go to them, own your wrong and ask for their forgiveness.
GOD grants you forgiveness and erases the sin from your record, however, you are still held accountable for being a less than stellar person when you were dealing with another human being. Your wrongdoing is forgiven but not forgotten. This is where the relentless beast best known as KARMA steps in and she doesn’t play! No matter how much time has passed, you will still have to deal with your actions and wrongdoings, it’s the way of life.The next time you find yourself in a situation which is getting heated, take a moment to breathe and collect your thoughts before you react out of anger and ignorance. Yes, those who only know how to *ahem* communicate by yelling and putting another person down, they are ignorant and childish. I know no one likes drama but sometimes that drama and pettiness comes to you to enable you to grow by not reacting in the same manner. While it’s hard to always be the bigger person, understand He wouldn’t bring you to it unless He planned to bring you through it. The best defense mechanism you can display when someone is confronting you with anger is remain to calm.
If someone were watching from the outside in, they wouldn’t be able to tell who the fool was if both of you are yelling back and forth, no matter if you’re only trying to defuse the situation or not. So, straighten your crown and handle yourself as only a king or queen should, with nothing but dignity, grace and self-respect.