Let there be light

We are all individuals, having our own mindset and way of thinking. More times than not, we share our mindset with others, not to challenge or change their way of thinking or believing but simply to show them there is more than one way of looking at a situation. Having a different way of seeing a situation doesn’t mean one person is wrong and the other is right, they simply just have different perceptions on the same subject.

I’ll proudly admit and own the fact I see things differently than most because I see, feel and react with my heart while others see and act only with logic.  It is hard to share your perceptions with a closed minded person, they seem to be on the defensive at all times for fear there might actually be another way of seeing and reacting to a situation they are dead set should be one way and one way only.  Instead of exploring other options which could possibly bring them happiness and joy beyond their wildest dreams, closed minded people choose to stay trapped in their own mind of how things “should” be, which causes them to be quite miserable when things aren’t panning out as they envisioned them. “If you ever want to hear GOD laugh, tell him your plans”.

Have you ever met someone who was nowhere near what you deemed to be your ‘type’ and they ended up sweeping you off your feet before you had a chance to even blink? Or how about the one who is your type but the feelings are so strong, you get scared and do whatever you can to ruin what could potentially be the best thing to ever happen to you? I know people who have been in love with one person but felt for one reason or another it wouldn’t work so they tried everything in their power not to accept the love and ended up living in misery because they fought what GOD destined for them.  Some people will stay closed minded in matters of the heart because they are using logic and fear against the strength of love, fearing if they let it in, they will be hurt, never taking the time to comprehend there is no greater force than that of love.  Too many closed minded people try to use logic instead of accepting love with an open mind of the wonderful possibilities it has to offer. This is an instance where the mind needs to be so open, it’s willing to step back and let the heart handle those brought into our lives who makes us feel and see things as no one before or after them ever have or will.   Don’t be so willing to settle for anything less than stellar out of fear of actually being happy with the one who makes your heart skip a beat and puts a smile on your face just from seeing a picture of them.

I’ve come to learn as I get older, although I may be sheltered, I’m not closed minded about most stuff.  There are subjects I will openly admit that I will never understand, think is okay or accept, pedophilia is one of them because I’ll never be able to comprehend how an adult could touch and do inappropriate things to an innocent child. Now, with that said, if someone has a different opinion or outlook on something I’ve done or believe, I’ll gladly sit and have a discussion, expressing my view and listening to theirs as long as it’s done with respect.  When someone comes at me with a know it all, self-righteous attitude and demeanor, I shut down because I know, at that point, it’s not coming from a place of love and concern.  I believe it to be a great opportunity to be able to sit and listen to someone express their views and opinions about a subject I used to see only one way, enabling me to now have a totally different perspective, outlook and understanding.   Unfortunately, we all run across people in our lives who’ve refused to even listen to another perspective, they are closed minded about everything and refuse to budge.

Closed minded people tend to be extra sensitive about everything said to them, taking everything personally and feeling as though the world is against them, fearful their perspectives will be proven incorrect. Perspectives and opinions are like elbows and assholes, everyone has one, some may stink but it’s theirs to have.  If their view on how their life is supposed to be is challenged, they shut down, possibly get an attitude and refuse to discuss things further. Gaining a new perspective shouldn’t be perceived as a bad thing, it should be embraced and received.

Being open minded, I tend to ask a whole lot of questions which is off-putting to most because they interpret my questions as an interrogation when I’m only trying to gain clarity and understanding. There are a lot of things I haven’t done or experienced in my life and have been blessed to come across people who have and get excited just to hear and learn what they’ve been thru. An experience that relates to this is when I was growing up, the street lights meant I needed to have my butt in the house, no exceptions only punishment if I let them beat me home. My extended family lived in the city and I would spend weekends and time during the summer with them and I’ll never forget when my cousin said “Let’s go to 7-11 and get a pickle”, I stood there like my feet were rooted to the floor with a terrified look in my eyes and said “But the street lights are on”, she sucked her teeth and said “Girl, if you don’t come on”! When I crossed that threshold and walked down the street at night, I was in awe!  LOL Here I was 15 years old behaving like a 3 year old seeing something new and amazing for the first time but this was a regular experience for her.

Everyone is not going to be accepting of who you are and what you share, it won’t click with those with closed minds, you may even be judged for not fitting in to what they deem to be normal and acceptable.  If you take the time to open your mind to new ideas, experiences and perceptions, you’ll be amazed how your world opens and changes for the better.  I’m not saying to throw caution to the wind in every aspect of your life, I’m merely saying take off the dark shades and let some light in. Strike up a conversation with someone from a different nationality and learn about their culture, go to another denominational church with an open mind and heart to receive, take a chance on the love you can’t let go of, even go so far as taking a walk around the neighborhood after dark!  The world is yours for the taking, all you have to do is remove the dark shades on your mind and let some light in to experience it.

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